Letters: Pluralist and woke agenda for this year’s Remembrance

Services took place across the UK on Sunday to mark Remembrance DayServices took place across the UK on Sunday to mark Remembrance Day
Services took place across the UK on Sunday to mark Remembrance Day
A letter from Raymond Stewart

As a Christian ex serviceman who usually views the BBC Remembrance Day coverage from the Albert Hall in London, this year's event was I believe a shock to many including myself.

There was a definitive change in the content of the service towards a woke and pluralist agenda with none of the old hymns such as Onward Christian Soldiers.

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There was no reading of Holy Scripture either. A total tragedy and negation of Christianity perhaps triggered by of the passing of Queen Elizabeth, with the new King influencing the programme.

Reality for many is that as a nation, and especially the BBC, we have turned our backs on the God of the Bible and made our own gods.

God has saved our country in times of national crisis and during the evacuation from Dunkirk George VI commanded a national day of prayer. And our armed forces were miraculously delivered.

Perhaps our new King Charles will see this need as he reads his Bible. Righteousness exalteth a nation but sin is a reproach unto any people (Proverbs 14 v 34). I pray that it would be so.

Raymond Stewart, Newtownabbey

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